Sonia Narang is a multimedia journalist. Her work as a videographer, reporter, and photographer has taken her around the globe.

Seven months pregnant and working in the fields, BBC/PRI's The World

Seven months pregnant and working in the fields, BBC/PRI’s The World

For farm women in Nepal, pregnancy brings no respite from hard physical labor. What is being done to give them a much-needed rest? Radio story and short film produced and reported by Sonia Narang.
Camels for Cash: India's Fleeting Camel Trade,

Camels for Cash: India’s Fleeting Camel Trade,

The camel trade may not have a place in modern India, but it still thrives at the annual camel fair in Pushkar. Video reported, produced, filmed, and edited by Sonia Narang.
Rags to Riches, New York Times

Rags to Riches, New York Times

Indian entrepreneur Ashok Khade revisits his native village, where he was of the lowest caste. Through hard work, determination and India's economic reforms, he rose from untouchable to CEO of his own engineering firm. Video produced, filmed, and edited by Sonia Narang.
The Yokome Brothers Keep Japanese Sanshin Alive, PRI's The World

The Yokome Brothers Keep Japanese Sanshin Alive, PRI’s The World

A duo of Okinawan musicians continue the tradition of sanshin music in the southern Japanese islands. Radio story produced and reported by Sonia Narang. Accompanying video filmed and edited by Sonia Narang.
Latest entries
L.A. Firefighters and Search Dogs Participate in Rescue Effort in Japan,

L.A. Firefighters and Search Dogs Participate in Rescue Effort in Japan,

A team of L.A. County firefighters and trained dogs from the California-based National Disaster Search Dog Foundation spent a week searching for survivors in northeastern Japan.
Toyota Recalls Dent Vaunted Image in Japan, Wall Street Journal

Toyota Recalls Dent Vaunted Image in Japan, Wall Street Journal

In image-conscious Japan, reputation is everything. Toyota, the market leader and an auto maker with a reputation of excellence, is facing a crisis of confidence among Japanese consumers. Reported, produced, filmed, and edited by Sonia Narang.
U.S. Marines Provide Relief to Devastated Northeast Japan,

U.S. Marines Provide Relief to Devastated Northeast Japan,

“There was almost no talking,” Shatarsky said. “The very first thing I saw was a car flipped upside down into a tree. I just couldn’t wrap my head around a wave doing what it did to this island.”
Japan Aftershock: The Nation's Rattled Nerves, Daily Beast

Japan Aftershock: The Nation’s Rattled Nerves, Daily Beast

As the residents of northeast Japan slowly start to piece their lives back together, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake off Japan’s coast quickly sent the nation back into a state of shock.
India sends team of 50 rescue workers to Japan, The Hindu Newspaper

India sends team of 50 rescue workers to Japan, The Hindu Newspaper

A team of trained disaster workers from India cleared rubble and debris in the devastated areas around Sendai.